Research to improve people's health


Course on the gender perspective in health research

At the end of October, IDIAPJGol organized an introductory course on the conceptual bases of the gender perspective from a model of social inequalities to health for members of the RICAPPS network.

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In this program, the model of social determinants in health was addressed, the hegemonic biomedical paradigm was questioned, the key concepts of the gender perspective were discussed, an approach to intersectionality was made, and the gender perspective was introduced in research in studies. with quantitative and qualitative methodology. All this with dynamics and practical application.

The participants, all of whom have experience in health research within the RICAPPS framework, came from Tenerife, Gerona, Málaga, Aragón, Salamanca, and Barcelona.

The speakers included Constanza Jacques, Tomás López, Matthew Bennet, Andrea García and Anna Berenguera.