Research to improve people's health


CAMFiC receives the Cross of Sant Jordi

The Catalan Society of Family and Community Medicine, a scientific society in Catalonia with more than 4,700 associated family doctors, has been one of the institutions awarded this year with the Cross of Sant Jordi.


This is one of the most prestigious distinctions awarded by the Generalitat together with the Catalunya International Prize. CAMFiC receives the Creu de Sant Jordi as the representative organization of doctors and family doctors in Catalonia who in the last 20 months have had to face an unexpected pandemic. As explained by its president, dr. Antoni Sisó “during these months we have promoted initiatives to help professionals both in improving their skills to deal with the virus and from a mental point of view. Thus, for example, we have developed the Model of Care in Geriatric Residences, we have asked the EAP directors what changes they have made during the pandemic, we have created a multiple training space to maintain skills, to face the virus and explain COVID experiences, we have implemented and brought about changes in routine practice (such as the incorporation of lung ultrasound), and finally, we have participated together with the Department of Health in a very important moment of crisis ”.