Research to improve people's health


EPIVAC Group article on COVID19 in the Journal of Clinical Hypertension

The Journal of Clinical Hypertension (official journal of the World Medical Association in Hypertension, bibliometric impact factor: 3.2 points) has just published an original research article by the EPIVAC Research Group of Tarragona. The article analyzes the incidence and risk of Covid 19 in hypertensive people in the regions of Tarragona.

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The study, entitled "Use of distinct anti-hypertensive drugs and risk for Covid-19 among hypertensive people: a population-based cohort study in Southern Catalonia, Spain", was led by Dr. Ángel Vila (Unidad de Apoyo a la Tarragona Research) and in which Cristina Torrente (Information and Communication Technologies ICS Camp de Tarragona), Frederic Gómez (Microbiology HJ23), Eva Satué, Olga Ochoa, Cinta de Diego, Imma Hospital and Ferran Bejarano (DAP Camp de Tarragona).

Contrary to what had been speculated at the beginning of the pandemic, the study, which includes a population sample of 34,936 hypertensive patients over 50 years of age, shows that taking antihypertensive drugs that inhibit the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system does not predispose or increase risk of COVID19. In this study, hypertensive patients from the Tarragona region who were taking inhibitors of the renin-angiotensin system had a lower relative risk of Covidien infection (almost significant in the case of ARA II, with a relative risk of 0.67, 95 CI %: twelve forty-four-01: 01, p = 0.054).

See the full article here.