Research to improve people's health


Researcher from Brazil’s Fiocruz research institute visits IDIAPJGol to explore collaboration opportunities

Livia Villar, specialist in virology research, has presented the institution in which she practices and has had the opportunity to get to know our centre

visita livia villar

Livia Villar (in the middle), with members of the Direction and researchers of IDIAPJGol 

The researcher from the Fundazao Oswaldo Cruz (Fiocruz), in Rio de Janeiro (Brazil), has visited the IDIAPJGol headquarters on April 24 to learn first-hand about the research lines of our centre and present the research institute where she works, which It is one of the largest in Latin America.

With Villar’s visit, both institutions open the door to collaborations in joint research projects and the exchange of researchers.

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Livia Villar is a biologist specialized in microbiology and a doctor in virology. She is currently head of the Fiocruz Viral Hepatitis Laboratory, a reference centre of the Brazilian Ministry of Health.

Villar has met the IDIAPJGol through the researcher of the Terres de l'Ebre Research Support Unit, Alessandra Queiroga.