Research to improve people's health


Laura Medina presents a study on endometriosis at the Hospital Clínic

Researcher Laura Medina, specialist in menstrual health, will present the project "The wounds are what's left inside you" on March 22. The presentation is included in the informative and participative session on endometriosis "Endometriosis: the rule does not hurt" during the Experience Exchange Week organized by the Patient Experience Observatory of the Hospital Clínic de Barcelona. This session is open to the public, aimed especially at teenage girls (and boys too) to raise awareness about this chromic and inflammatory disease and to present some of the projects on this pathology that are carried out.


 Dr. Laura Medina will present in the second part of the session the study "Wounds are what's left inside you". This is a research work carried out through the Fotoveu technique on the implications of living with endometriosis. It has been a participatory project that has been carried out by IDIAPJGol and in collaboration with the Endometriosis Affected Association of Catalonia (Endo&CAT), the Hospital Clínic de Barcelona, the Catalan Institute of Health and the Center for Analysis of Health Programs (CAPS).


The presentation of the project will be accompanied by a talk by a colleague from Endo&CAT who will give a perspective on the disease. The event will take place on March 22 in the Sala Farreras Valentí at the Hospital Clínic de Barcelona (Escala 9 Planta 3). If you want to attend the event, sign up on the following form.

Previously Dr. Carmona, a gynecologist specializing in endometriosis, will have written a dissertation on the disease and its impact on women's lives. The event will conclude with the presentation of the EndomWay project, which aims to improve the experience of patients with endometriosis.