Research to improve people's health


75% of those affected by persistent covid find it difficult to spend time with friends and 70%, attend to family responsibilities

Researchers from IDIAPJGol publish an editorial in the European Journal of Internal Medicine on the consequences of persistent covid. 1 in 5 people have symptoms of Covid-19 five weeks after infection. At 12 weeks, 1 in 10 patients.


Researchers from IDIAPJGol have published an editorial in the scientific journal European Journal of Internal Medicine, with an impact factor of 4,487. In the text, they focus on the long-term effects of persistent covid , with a focus on mental health.

Effects on the mental health of people with persistent covid

The voice of patients who were in good health and quality of life prior to persistent covid conveys despair over worsening symptoms. The list of new and persistent symptoms described by patients is extensive, including cough, shortness of breath, chest tightness, cognitive dysfunction, and extreme fatigue.

Some describe the cyclical nature of the disease, where some symptoms improve while others get worse. Many can be considered neurological symptoms, for example: "the brain is cloudy"; "I do not remember the name"; "I can't concentrate" ... Other nonspecific neurological symptoms, which often occur with fatigue and shortness of breath, include headaches, dizziness, and cognitive dullness.

The psychological and psychiatric symptoms experienced by persistent covid patients such as depression, anxiety, post-traumatic symptoms, and cognitive impairment could be attributed to psychological factors and neurobiological injuries. Symptoms such as dizziness, headache, and seizures can persist for a long time after the acute illness of COVID-19.

According to the researchers, living with the stress of persistent covid has also affected the mental health of many patients, who have more often experienced insomnia and anxiety. In Spain, the most frequent symptoms have affected the ability to carry out activities of daily living: 75% find it difficult to spend time with friends; 72% work outside the home and 70% state that they have difficulties in attending to family responsibilities.

In persistent covid, mental illness is strongly associated with the social determinants model, which highlights the negative impact of poverty, discrimination, and social exclusion. Only a minority of patients have the opportunity to be referred for mental health services. Therefore, “it is crucial to strengthen mental health services, community resources and informal support groups,” add the authors.

Research on persistent covid

Different studies point out that one in five people who contract Covid-19 has symptoms five weeks after infection. And 12 weeks later, up to one in ten people still suffer from symptoms associated with the disease. For this reason, research on persistent covid on risk factors, pathophysiology, consequences and sequelae is increasing, but large studies with a high participation and that analyze the effects on people in the long term are still necessary.

>> Check the editorial: