Research to improve people's health



Women's mental health worsened more during confinement



According to the data obtained by the survey of the psychosocial impact of home confinement due to the COVID-19 pandemic in Spain carried out by the IDIAPJGol, a third of the women experienced anxiety and depression, while the men suffered it only one of every five.

Answer the survey




The results of the survey show how the mental health of the population worsened during home confinement, due to the appearance of anxiety and depression but also due to the concern of contracting COVID-19, the perception of living in an inadequate housing and the worsening of the socioeconomic situation.

The researchers headed by Constanza Jacques agree that it is important to incorporate a gender perspective and assess age differences to reduce the impacts of the measures implemented




Currently, a second survey on social impact is being carried out, do you want to participate?  

You can get here the Policy Brief on the results obtained at the moment. 


Enquesta impacte social pandemia Twitter castella