Research to improve people's health


Gender Biases in Research and Healthcare 

On December 3 at 2:00 p.m. the webinar on Gender Biases in Research and Healthcare will be held by Dr. Carme Valls Llobet.30031988698 d9bd463758 k

 Ariadna Creus i Àngel García / Banc d'imatges Infermeres

The objective of the webinar is to analyze the gender biases that weigh on health research, both for not including the gender variable in the research work, also taking into account the living and working conditions, and the environment, in the health of women and men. Specify the differential morbidity that health professionals should take into account in health care, both because they do not take into account the differences, and the similarity between diagnoses of women and men. Finally, analyze gender biases in the evaluation of laboratory data.

Prior registration is essential to attend.

Dr. Carme Valls Llobet directs the "Women, Health and Quality of Life" program at the Center d'Anàlisi i Programes Sanitaris (CAPS), of which she has been a member since 1983 and vice president. She has been a pioneer in Spain in raising the differences in mortality and morbidity between women and men in the field of research, and a member of an international movement of researchers that in the 1990s promoted the inclusion of women in clinical trials and scientific rigor applied to the study of the most common health problems of women. She is the author of eight medical popularization books and a member of the editorial board of the magazine "Mujeres y Salud". In 2018 he received the Good Practices of Non-Sexist Communication Award, from the Associació de Dones Periodistas de Catalunya, and the 2019 Medal from the University of Valencia. 

Gender Biases in Research and Healthcare

Tags: Biaixos de Gènere a la Recerca i Assistència Sanitària, Dra Carme Valls Llobet